🇪∃≠COVID19🦠 and Nursing Homes🇭

My friends at the New York Times are spot again, but it must also be said, and in those death pits I have found perhaps the purest and most inspiring frontline heroes in the US fight against this tenacious novel retrovirus. Don’t get me wrong the better paid and protected health workers, with less tattoos and better tooling are amazing also in my accounting and really I must stop myself there and say instead.

There is a family in Healthcare that I have always admired and beyond that there is a human family. North to South, East to West, Person to Person we must each decide in our time. Are we for the Corporate US or the Human Species? Are you for Humanity in all of beautiful arrays or COVID-19 endemicity? Wherein tragically these death-pits are just the first wave of what will inevitably follow, whenever we intentionally or inadvertently let the viruses win.

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